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Coaching for people who want to write their story
Jan Whalen helps women, active seniors, grandparents, and/or anyone who has a desire to tell their story. She guides people in writing their story and leaving a legacy. Jan does this through one-on-one discovery sessions, group workshops, and writing classes. Here are some things that people get out of this experience…
- A jump-start in writing the story of your life
- Remembering the forgotten lessons
- Reflection of your patterns of friends, jobs and life events
- Discovering the benefits of your “bad†days, or years
- Understanding the origin of your values
- Uncovering antidotes/examples to use for job interviews
- Help with writing your Bio
- Understand your “Whyâ€
Quotes from past clients who have been through this coaching…
“This was a chance to remember things I’d experienced but forgot.â€
“Understanding myself and my motivations and those who were important to me.â€
“Being able to finish that sad story to discover how I turned the lemons to lemonade.â€
“This helped me realize I’m resilient and quite strong.â€[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width=”stretch_row” css=”.vc_custom_1619329336337{background-color: #f5f5f5 !important;}”][vc_column][vc_column_text]
Presentation Coaching
We are changing the world—one VOICE a time. It is important to be confident of who you are and what you bring to the “table†in a business or social setting. Our coaching sessions will uncover a wealth of the Rock Solid You that has been developing over your lifetime.
The first step in the WhalenVoices process is to identify your major presentation strengths from our list of sixteen basic competencies. Understanding your unique blend of experiences, talents and abilities allows for greater impact in any speaking arena. Any distracting habits will be addressed, yet our approach is to focus on what you do well naturally; what you bring to the platform, the job, the conversation.  We explore your past experiences, present goals and plan for future speaking venues.
We understand it takes confidence to speak in public. Confidence originates from within, yet is expressed through the body and voice, even under pressure. We work with you to develop mental and physical strategies to overcome apprehension; you shift from being a presenter to an advocate, from dependency to self-mastery.
Understanding the needs and expectations of your audience is vital for tailoring your message for maximum connection and impact. We help you master the art of communicating effectively with the four action archetypes in your audience. You will learn ways to engage your audience with voice, word choice, and body movement.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]
Message Creation for Authors and Speakers
The focus of any presentation or book is the intended message. We assist you in the creation of your presentation or the table of contents for your book. We will help you modify a standard presentation to fit the audience, your voice and presentation style. We can also help…
- Day of discovery
- Manuscript evaluation
- The process of self-publishing your book
- Dress rehearsals
- Analysis of former presentations/ manuscripts
- Attendance/evaluation of your presentation
- All work is confidential
- We have over 25 years of experience
- Programs are tailored and flexible
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