Dear Wonderful Woman,
When I was little, I enjoyed taking long walks near my home in rural Harmony, Minnesota. I’d get lost in the journey, but every once in a while I’d look back to see how far I’d come. It might be a good time to do the same with our Whalen Voices blog.
We’ve had many comments about the helpfulness of the topics discussed, and this week, it’s been great fun for me look at them again. With that said, today’s blog is a summary of the blogs you may have missed—and the ones you want to re-read. To make it easy to visit them, just click on (or copy and paste) the link provided.
I’m especially grateful to the voices of GUEST AUTHORS: Laura Thomas, Rosanne Carlson, Linda Kalaf, Janet White, Arlene Hougland, Ariel, and Lee Nelson. Their wisdom is inspirational to all of us. I welcome them and others (men included!) to contribute to our future blogs. Contact me if you have a story, a reflection or advice for women on these topics:
Blogs—First Quarter 2016
11.22.15 Two Sides of the Big Move— SUGGESTIONS on moving and also advice for you when your friend moves. (https://whalenvoices.com/2015/11/22/bigmove/)
12.09.15 The Right Shoes—REFLECTION on the soul of your relationship with shoes/yourself. (https://whalenvoices.com/2015/12/09/the-right-shoes/)
12.17.15 Promises to Keep—CONFIDENCE in following through on your word.
12.18.15 I Never Expected My Life to Be Like This—WISDOM of age brings hope for the future.  (https://whalenvoices.com/2015/12/18/i-never-expected-my-life-to-be-like-this/)
1.04.16 Welcome January— CONFIDENCE in the new year results from looking back and looking forward.  (https://whalenvoices.com/2016/01/04/welcome-january/)
1.06.16 Seven Characteristics of Passion—SUGGESTIONS on finding outrageous joy in your life. (https://whalenvoices.com/2016/01/06/seven-characteristics-of-passion/)
1.09.16 Body Talk—ADVICE on treating your body like a queen—from the body herself.
1.14.16 Hairspray for the Mind—RECOMMENDATIONS on how to live a creative life.
1.17.16 Asking for Help —REFLECTION on asking for help or doing a task yourself.
1.20.16 May the Odds of the Force Protect You—CREATE your own good luck phrase.
1.24.16 Laura’s Voice: Flame of Optimism—GUEST AUTHOR Laura Thomas. Tragedy tests the power of positive thinking.
1.27.16 Stacking Priorities—SUGGESTIONS for being productive.
1.31.16 Proud of our Pride- Naches—REFLECTION on love of family, especially our children. (https://whalenvoices.com/2016/01/31/proud-of-our-pride-naches/)
2.03.16 Eternally Temporary Friendship—SUGGESTIONS to be more attentive to others. (https://whalenvoices.com/2016/02/03/eternally-temporary-friendship/)
2.08.16 Deciding to Choose—WISE QUOTES and reflections on making decisions.
2.11.16 Three Roots of Wisdom—ADVICE from Char when uncertainty overwhelmed us. (https://whalenvoices.com/2016/02/11/three-roots-of-wisdom/)
2.15.16 Discovering Your Confident Stride—CONFIDENCE through changing the way you walk into a room. (https://whalenvoices.com/2016/02/15/discovering-your-stride-of-confidence/)
2.18.16 Rosanne’s Voice: Authenticity and Grace—GUEST AUTHOR Rosanne Carlson tells how a special pen becomes an instrument of hope.
2.22.16 Stepping Up Confidence—RESOURCEFULNESS and action build confidence.
2.25.16 Janet’s Voice: Extreme Trust—GUEST AUTHOR Janet White transforms her extreme sport lessons to life lessons for women.(https://whalenvoices.com/2016/02/25/janets-voice-extreme-trust/)
2.28.16 Reach Out To Bless—SUGGESTIONS on what to say to affirm your friends and family. (https://whalenvoices.com/2016/02/28/reach-out-to-bless/)
3.03.16 Linda’s Voice: You Can Do It!—GUEST AUTHOR Linda Kalaf tells her story of developing strong family values, while spreading cultural good will.
3.06.16 Why Write the Story of Your Life? MOTIVATION to finally write about your life, leaving a legacy. (https://whalenvoices.com/2016/03/06/why-write-the-story-of-your-life/)
3.09.16 Rosanne’s Voice: Relief from Grief—GUEST AUTHOR Rosanne Carlson shares her approach to managing grief.(https://whalenvoices.com/2016/03/09/rosannes-voice-relief-from-grief/)
3.13.16 Let Frozen Go—A STORY of how one woman transformed her perspective after her divorce. (https://whalenvoices.com/2016/03/13/let-frozen-go/)
3.16.16 Arlene’s Voice: The Importance of Roots—GUEST AUTHOR Arlene Hougland tells the story of finding peace through discovering her ancestors.
3.20.16 The Art of You: What Color is Your Voice?—CONFIDENT SPEAKING is knowing your voice and adjusting it for each situation.
3.23.16 Ariel’s Voice: Instinctual Hope in the Wilderness—GUEST AUTHOR Ariel, from prison, shares her poem of hope.
3.28.16 The Art of You: A Masterpiece—REFLECTION of how you embody the seven elements of art. (https://whalenvoices.com/2016/03/28/the-art-of-you-a-masterpiece/)
3. 30.16 Lee’s Voice: Out on a Limb—GUEST AUTHOR Lee Nelson reflects on the benefits of risk taking during art night at her church.
(https://whalenvoices.com/2016/03/31/lees-voice-out-on-a-limb/Â )
Keep this list handy and when you visit any of the blogs, be sure to comment and share it with women who you know could benefit. Contact me at [email protected] so I can include your voice in the chorus of Whalen Voices!
May your self-trust build confidence,