Where is God?


Visiting my friend in prison is like going to church—only better. Jerri always says something that sticks tighter than super-glue.  The last time she was talking about building her trust in God, and how He told her to make “space” for Him in every situation. 

One doesn’t have to be an inmate in Perryville prison to have a need for a “Spiritual Anchor.”  With the new year approaching, wars waging, a semi-truckload of lies, accusations, pronouncements, threats, campaign promises to be delivered (or not), inclement weather, unexpected bills, shocking deaths, insurance worries, school shootings, indifference to assassinations, and now (of all things) mysterious drones filling the sky. With that heavy load, it’s difficult to enjoy the “hap-hap-happiest time of the year.”  God help us! Literally! Please!  

But where, like Jerri, do we make space? 

I hate to pontificate about what God or isn’t, because I sense that anyone reading my words holds their own individual and personal relationship with the Divine. In that spirit, I speak for no one but myself. 

God is everything and everywhere, and so I can’t get a clear reading on what type of “space” I need to reserve.   Is God the air around me? A warm blanket the keeps me snug during my nap? A “person-like” creature who sits beside my chair? A voice in my head? A smell as I walk into a room? A peaceful warmth in my heart? All or none of the above? 

After experimenting for 4 or 5 weeks, I’ve decided that the answer isn’t as important as this question:“Where are you God?” The magic is tucked within the question, and because unlimited powers are at His/Her disposal, I don’t have to decided. Just call for the question, and immediately feel a cozy protection. 

I have no advice for you, only my version of what Jerri taught me. Try it and see if your burdens feel a bit lighter. 

Soul-deep Peace to you this season, my fellow traveller,



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